Hey Steel Fam!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
I didn’t think last year’s birthday (30) could be topped. For 7 years I had wanted to open multiple Steel locations and on my 30th birthday last year, we opened up the Vestavia location. I couldn’t have asked for a better gift!
I was reminded of the verse that talks about earthly Fathers knowing how to give good gifts- yet how much more does our Father in Heaven know how to give us good gifts!
I had pretty low expectations coming into this birthday. No more locations (yet ????) to be opened on my 31st birthday. I expected the day to be good, but nothing spectacular.
I was wrong.

My 31st birthday was just as good as my 30th. But for different reasons.
My 30th was full of excitement around opening there second location. My mind was racing as I put together squat racks with the rest of the team. We all had so much to do in the coming weeks. It was fun, exciting, and invigorating.
We look forward to feeling that way again very soon ????
THIS year was amazing for different reasons.
I’m coming off more than 6 really difficult months of health issue, being extremely limited in what I’ve been able to do.
One of the hardest parts of the last 6 months was missing my boys play soccer in the fall. Their first time playing sports! It took everything in me just to sit in the car and watch their games from a distance. I knew God had a plan in all of it, but it was really difficult being so restricted.
Fast forward to 2 days ago, and my health is so much better. I had an amazing day with my precious wife and kids. There’s no one in this world I love more. I adore them.
The day was slow and laid back. I’m healthy again and enjoyed every minute with them.
And to top it off, I got to watch my boys’ first t-ball game. Sitting with Shelby, her parents, and my parents.
I teared up watching Huddy and Grey step up to the plate for the first time.
Life is precious. So is family. And God is good.
My birthday was a smashing success simply because I got to enjoy every day life with the people I love most.
And THIS is why we do what we do at Steel. And why our core values are Faith, Health, and Family.
I know how important it is to be healthy so you can do the things you love with the people you love.

I know because multiple times in my adult life I’ve been in a place where my body was holding me back. I know what it’s like to be restricted. And while everything happens for a reason, it’s painful.
And if there’s anything you can do to avoid that, and anything you can do to get healthy so you can thrive…you should do it!!
P.S.- On that whole getting healthy note, (I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t have an offer in all of this ????), if you want to grab a 6 month membership (26% discount) or 12 month membership (31% discount) in honor of my ordinary yet incredible 31st birthday…DO IT!
Just e-mail me at [email protected] or text my personal cell 205-705-9591 with your name and the option you want!
We’ve got 2 of each available.
Reply if you want one, and to the rest of you…have a great rest of your week! Talk soon!