Is Faith the Missing Component

Is Faith the Missing Component to You Achieving All of Your Health and Fitness Goals?

Has something ever happened in your life, and you thought it was the effect of one thing, but it turned out to be the result from something that was ‘completely unrelated’?

I was talking to this woman the other day about shows to watch on Netflix, and I had told her that once I start a show, I HAVE to finish it. She then told me she was the opposite, she could start a show easily, but she is really bad about not caring about the ending and just stopping watching it altogether.

After I wondered if she was a psychopath – I’m KIDDING – I asked her what shows she has done that with. She told me she had done so with the show This Is Us. She watched 3 seasons and by the end of the 3rd season she fell off and quit watching it. She thought she was just bored with the plot. A few months went by, and she gave it another try. Well, she got to the end of season 3 and once again she was over it and gave up watching it.

She said she did some self-reflecting after the second time and realized she was over the show because the majority of that season was about – SPOILTER ALERT – the trauma the kids dealt with after their dad passed away from a house fire. It hit too close to home as her dad had passed away a few years prior.

She had 0 clue that the reason she was ‘bored’ watching a show was because it hit too close to home with her own situation rather than typical boredom with a TV show.

That is a far-fetched example for what I am bringing you today, but there are things that affect your fitness journey that you may not be aware of. One big thing that could be attributed to you reaching or not reaching your goals is FAITH. Today isn’t going to focus on how to work out or how to eat well, it’s about Faith.

So, I want to ask you:

Is Faith the Missing Component to You Achieving All of Your Health and Fitness Goals?

Libby Harrel

Today’s Topics

  1. What Is Faith
  2. How We Use It Daily
  3. Why Faith Matters So Much to Us Getting Results
  4. How to Strengthen Your Faith
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What Is Faith

Faith is believing in something you have yet to see come to fruition. True faith changes the way you live because your actions will start to align with what you believe.

This concept is true for both Faith and Fear. Whichever you have, your actions will directly align to it. If you have Faith that you will be successful in any endeavor – relationship, career, marriage, school, hobby – you aren’t guaranteed to succeed, but your actions will align with that, and your chances of success just got extremely higher.

If the opposite were true, you were fearful about being successful, your actions would align with that. You would sink back and maybe play more conservatively. Fear causes us to play to not lose instead of playing to win. Acting out of fear is what will keep you from reaching your goals in ANY aspect of your life.

So, you have to have Faith. Truly believing what you are working towards will happen will push you to do things to make it happen.

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How We Use It Daily

We use faith ALL the time. When I go to sit down in a chair, I have faith that the chair is going to hold me up. Now, I don’t sit down in one of my kids’ chairs because I don’t have faith that it will hold me up. Maybe it would, but I’m not putting my trust in it. Plus, I don’t want to break it and have any crying children lol.

You have FAITH that when you get in your car, you will get to your destination even though many people die in car accidents every day.

You have FAITH that when you get married, you will stay together even though many people get divorces.

You have FAITH that you will maintain a good relationship with your kids even though many people have strained relationships with their parents.

When people sign up for our program, they have FAITH that they will see results. There is evidence you will see results when you join our program at Steel – having faith does not mean believing in something with 0 evidence (it isn’t silly).

Having faith is knowing you can’t see a future outcome right now and believing in it anyway.

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Why Faith Matters So Much to Us Getting Results

If you speak negatively, even if you are joking, you will start to believe those negative things. Even other people saying negative things around you can impact what you start to believe.

Make boundaries around yourself to protect what you hear so you ultimately protect what you believe. When you build your faith through protecting what you say and hear, you can start to speak into others as well.

You should strive to build those around you up and strengthen their faith. Here’s a timeless example I have:

Say a client is doing bench press one day, and they are pushing the weight, but they just miss the mark. Either the trainer or I talk to them, give a few pointers, and say ‘alright, you’re going to go again, but this time you ARE going to get the weight up.’ Then, they try again and the weight FLIES up. We transferred our belief to them through speaking life about their situation.


That is a prime example of one of the coolest things we have to offer at Steel. We’re going to get you a science-backed best strength training and nutrition plan to get you the best results and the accountability to go with it; BUT, we have an environment that is injected with FAITH and we believe that you are going to be successful. These beliefs will ultimately transfer over to you when you surround yourself in our culture.

Whether it is with us or other people, you want to surround yourself with people who are going to strengthen your faith, build you up, and speak life into you.


How to Strengthen Your Faith

Have you ever been in a situation that feels like there is no way out?

Health and Fitness can feel like that – “I’m so fat/sick/weak/unhealthy I don’t see how I will ever be lean, strong, and healthy again.”

If you just look at the problems in your life like the one above, it’s just going to stir up fear. Going down the path of destruction has little resistance but going down the path for things that are WORTH the pursuit has resistance. God gives us the ability to overcome that resistance through our gifts, talents, and tongue.

Harlan Winn

The first thing God reveals to us in the Bible is that He is the creator. We are made in His image, so He has placed creativity in each of us to create things. That’s why we all have our special gifts and talents. When God created the world, he spoke it into existence. We can’t just speak things into existence and they happen without us working towards them though – we aren’t God. We have to work towards our goals while speaking life into them because when we speak life into these things, it increases our faith.

The Bible tells us we have the power to speak life and death with our tongues. We should speak life into ourselves, the people around us, and the situations we are in. It also says that Faith comes through hearing so when you have people speaking life into you and your situations, you will start believing them because your faith is stronger.

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Here’s some advice I have if you have a goal you want to reach:

  1. Pray About It
  2. Think About It
  3. Speak To It
  4. Put It Into Action
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The way to fix belief is to fix our faith. The way to fix our faith is to fix our words.

Do you have problems? Do you have reasons you can’t achieve something in your life? Yes, you do-we all do. If it is something worth pursuing, PURSUE IT! Look to the future, look at the vision, look to the result, look to the goal. Speak life into it. Then, somehow, God will work out all the details of the problems so you can get to where you are going.

That is why I think FAITH is the missing component in many peoples’ health and fitness journeys and the reason they are missing their goals.

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