5 Quotes to Prevent Burnout Frustration and Quitting on Your Fitness Journey

5 Quotes to Prevent Burnout, Frustration, and Quitting on Your Fitness Journey

Burnout is not a fun feeling. Frustration isn’t either. Quitting is the last option.

Let’s face it, we’ve all had that feeling of “Man, I have to do that again?”, “I HAVE to go to the gym”, “I just can’t get this exercise down”, “I am just done with the gym”.

And if you haven’t you have to be the LUCKIEST person alive, or you might not have been on your fitness journey too long lol!

Either way, that kind of negative talk is not fun, it’s not helpful, and it weighs you down. Staying true to your workout and pushing through those downs and celebrating the ups is what is going to keep your fitness progress trendline continuously rising!


If you’ve ever felt the feeling of burnout, frustration, or quitting have I got a blog for you! These quotes I am going to share with you have been tried and true with all the clients I have worked with.

Here are the BIG IDEAS of today’s blog:

  1. “Only Compare You Today to You Yesterday”
  2. Do the Best You Can with What You’ve Got
  3. Never Quit. Never Give Up.
  4. When You Fall Off the Plan, Just Get Back on Track at Your Next Meal, Workout, etc.
  5. Getting There WILL be Difficult, It Will Also be Worth It. Your Future Self Will Thank You.

“Only Compare You Today to You Yesterday”

Comparison is the thief of all joy.

Every human being is completely unique! It’s not fair to yourself or others to compare your progress to their progress.

You never fully know where someone came from, how they grew up, how long they have been working towards a certain goal, if their genetics just allow them to reach goals faster, or how much effort they have put into their work.

Personally, I use to struggle with this concept. I am on the lower end of men and how they gain strength and muscle. I would bring friends to the gym and in 6 months they’d be bench pressing more than me and I would be so frustrated!

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This was a blessing in disguise! I had to work super hard to gain strength and muscle. This struggle has enabled me to not only coach and train the person whose genetics let them gain strength easily, but also coach the person who does struggle with strength gain.

If I would’ve let my frustration win, there would have been nothing good come of my situation and I would have been stuck comparing myself to others. Thank goodness I didn’t because now I get to share my experiences and help you achieve your goals!

Once you stop looking at the filtered pictures, photoshopped posts, and start looking in the mirror your life will become 10x better. You were created to be uniquely YOU so don’t waste it comparing your life to other people!

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Do the Best You Can with What You’ve Got

Frustration leads to people acting really irrational sometimes. Have you ever missed a workout and just wanted to skip the rest of the week?

It’s honestly crazy to me that many people do this! It’s the same as popping 3 of your tires because you have one flat–CRAZY right?

Think of it this way–if you have a bad day at work on Monday you aren’t going to just quit your job. At least I hope you don’t quit because of one bad day. Or if you were rude to your kids one morning so you decide to be rude the rest of the week instead of being better the next time.

Strong Men Afternoon Crew

Instead of being irrational, follow what they say, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. My version is “Do the best you can with what you’ve got”.

This is to give you grace during the really difficult seasons in your life. Sometimes minimizing your progress loss is the best you can do if you have 1,000 things on your plate.

Maybe you are changing jobs, there was a death in the family, the kids have lots of activities going on–whatever it may be, giving what you can whether it is 30% or 80% is 10x better than doing nothing.

This is also to ENCOURAGE you! If you are in a great season of life, continue pushing towards your goals! Go to the gym, go on that walk, do the things you set your mind to! Relish in the goodness of that season!

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Ride the Wave:

When times are good, enjoy it.

When times are bad, do the best you can with what you have.

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Never Quit. Never Give Up.

Unless you are dead–if you are you probably aren’t reading this, and if you’re reading this, things just got awkward–you have SOMETHING to give. 5 reps, 5 minutes, a simple walk, eating veggies at your next meal, something.

No matter the season of life, difficult or great, you have to continue to push yourself towards your fitness goals. Even if it is a hard season, it is proven your stress levels will decrease with having better fitness and nutritional practices!

Keep investing in yourself on your fitness journey, you deserve it!

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When You Fall Off the Plan, Just Get Back on Track at Your Next Meal, Workout, etc.

I hear people say “well, I missed yesterday’s workout so what’s the point in working out today and tomorrow?” That’s CRAZY!!

All this comes down to is a decision. It doesn’t matter if you have been off the plan, diet, or wagon for 1 day, 2 weeks, 3 months, 4 years–make the decision to get back onto your plan!

The past is gone, there’s nothing you can do to change the decisions you HAVE made, but you CAN make a decision in the present to get back to your goal.

Don’t let 1 bad meal turn into 10 bad meals. Don’t let 1 skipped workout lead to months out of the gym. Don’t let a bad year turn into a bad life.

Mistakes will happen! Just because you have a wild weekend and ate 5 Big Mac’s, 4 Large Fries, and drank 4 gallons of sweet tea, doesn’t mean you have to continue! You can make the choice on Monday to start new!

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Getting There WILL be Difficult, It Will Also be Worth It. Your Future Self Will Thank You.

As cheesy as it sounds, life is about the JOURNEY not the destination.

We want to be fit, strong, and healthy to do the things we love with the people we love.

The journey to being fit, strong, and healthy is not easy! It may take you longer than you initially expected. Maybe you thought it would take 4 months, but it really takes you 2 years.

No matter what, the journey is worth it! Your future self will thank you!

I tell my clients to look long-term. If you are 65 years old, you hopefully have 2 or 3 more decades of life left right? If this fitness journey takes you 5 months or 5 years, that is so small compared to the amount of life you have left.

Now think about it if you were 50, 40, or 30. The investment you have in yourself today will be the greatest accomplishment your future self has!

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I WILL not I want. You will get there. You will reach your goals. You will get to do the things you want with the people you love.

Once you get to this place, you will be able to maintain it. Maintenance is much easier that actually getting there!

Everyone’s path is going to be different, but I promise it will be difficult and I promise it will be worth it.

Do your future self a favor and make that decision to better yourself today.

If you’re ready to get started or get back on track with some coaching to make sure you stay safe and get the best results possible…we’d love to work with you! Trust me, your future self is going to thank you a thousand times!

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