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7 People to Get Healthy and Fit For

You owe it, not just to yourself, but to every single person you come in contact with…to get as Healthy and Fit as you possibly can. 

Even if you never talk to some of those people! 

Before we dive in I want to make it abundantly clear that your worth and value simply comes from being. You are of eternal value, made in the image of God. That is true regardless of how healthy, fit, or any other attribute that you are.

So if you find yourself in a situation where you’re sick and out of shape, you are still eternally valuable! 

You are a “Human Being”. Not a “Human Doing.”

That being said, if you find yourself in a position where you can improve your health and fitness…do it. And do it right now!

Your physical health may not be the #1 most important thing in life, but it ranks very close to the top.

That’s why I’ve put together this list of 7 people you should get Healthy and Fit For:

  1. God
  2. Yourself
  3. Your Spouse
  4. Your Children
  5. Your Friends and Family 
  6. Your Co-Workers
  7. Your Neighbors and Community


Our life is a gift. Every day is a new gift. The breath in our lungs is a gift! 

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We should not idolize our body or our health, but taking care of it is an act of worship. 

Taking care of our body is a way that we steward this life we’ve been given.

Plus, I believe our ultimate purpose comes from God. And when you are healthy and fit, you will be (in a very practical sense) better positioned to fulfill your purpose! 

To be human is both soul and body. What we do to one affects the other. So when we take care of our health, it strengthens the soul too! 


Life is SO much better when you’re healthy. 

Speaking from experience, I’ve been very restricted due to health issue and in great health. And everywhere in between.

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While my value as a person is constant in all those states…my enjoyment of life is very different. 

Being healthy and fit makes your life so much better! You will feel better physically and mentally. And you will be much more capable of doing what you have to do. And that brings extra fulfillment. 

Your Spouse

I believe we were created to obey and enjoy God, and to love and serve and bless every person we come in contact with! 

And who better to love and serve and bless than your spouse!

Now when you got married you probably vowed to stay committed in sickness and in health. That’s because life is going to happen. And you will deal with sickness to some degree. It’s inevitable.

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And being loved by your spouse during a time of your sickness is a beautiful thing. Because it speaks to their character. And it speaks to the fact that ultimately you are loved for who you are and not what you do. I’ve experienced this myself! 

But while that’s a beautiful thing to see, it’s not a fun experience being sick.

Being healthy is amazing. And one of the best parts about it is being able to use your energy and health and strength to serve your spouse. 

You will find so much fulfillment in knowing you are making their life better. And they will likely love and appreciate you even more! 

Your Children

I always let my kids know that Shelby is my actual favorite. But they are a super close second. 

After your spouse, who better to love and serve and bless than your children! Children are such a precious gift. I would argue even more precious than our health. 

But the best combo is when we’re healthy too! 

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I know what it’s like to have to tell your kids “I’m sorry guys, I can’t do that today” because I wasn’t healthy and fit enough to do something they wanted to do. And it sucks. 

Do everything you can to prevent that from happening. And if you’re already there, do everything you can to fix that! 

Because on the other side of being healthy and fit, is the ability to love and serve AND enjoy your kids so much more! 

Your Friends and Family

We’re just going down the list here! After your spouse and kids, who better to use your health and fitness for than your friends and family. 

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At Steel we always say “We help people get Lean, Strong, and Healthy so they can do the things they love with the people they love.”

Don’t let your body hold you back from enjoying some amazing time with family and friends.

Your Co-Workers

Getting healthy and fit is super beneficial when it comes to work. First, there are all the benefits you reap for yourself at work for being healthy and fit.

You will get more work done in less time. You will be sick less often so you can actually save your vacation days for…well..vacation! You will be more confident and have more energy.

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Overall your odds of succeeding at work and getting rewarded for that increase significantly when you’re healthy and fit. 

Not only that but your co-workers will be able to depend on you more. They’ll trust you more and enjoy working with you more because they know that whatever you are responsible for, you’ll handle. 

Your Neighbors and Community

If you’ve got someone who takes care of these first 6 categories, even if you never talk to that guy or girl, wouldn’t you want them in your neighborhood?? In your community?

Their presence alone would make the place better! 

And in emergency situations, which hopefully wouldn’t happen, you would want someone healthy and fit there to help out. 

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Being healthy and fit, and all the downstream benefits of that, will make you a better neighbor and community member! 

We can all think of several reasons why we should get healthy and fit. But there’s a whole different weight to it when we start thinking about WHO our Health and Fitness impact. 

Look, you are loved and cared for simply by being YOU! 

As you should be. 

BUT your life, and the lives of  those around you, will be so much better when you start prioritizing your Health and Fitness.

And the best part about it, is that out of the 168 hours you get every week…you only need to invest 3-5 hours per week to get Healthy and Fit.

A couple hours in the gym (even better if it’s with a coach.)

A couple hours spent walking.

And an hour or so planning your days/weeks so you have your exercise and food planned. 

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If you’re ready to get healthy and fit for one (or all) of the reasons on the list and you want to work with a Coach so you can maximize your results, we want to work with you! 

Just click here and fill out the form! We’ll contact you within 24 hours to schedule a phone call to discuss your goals and the details of our Coaching Program.

Talk Soon! 

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